
A fast and easy way to buy and sell cryptocurrencies.

Purchase with card

Purchase with bank transfer

Buy crypto by SEPA transfer

Buy cryptocurrencies with FIAT money

Select the cryptocurrencies you prefer or the tokens of your favorite projects in the Buy box.

Remember that when purchasing tokens in earlier phases, we will indicate the asset contract so that it is automatically reflected in your wallet.

Buy cryptocurrencies with SEPA transfer

At Cryptopocket we help you save on your transactions by simplifying the purchase process. If you do not have a gas fee to transact your tokens, you will have the option to add it when claiming your purchased assets in your wallet.

Buy cryptocurrencies by transfer safely in three simple steps

Is this the first time you buy and you don’t have a wallet? Don’t worry, during the purchase process we will help you create one so that you are the owner and custodian of your crypto assets.

Choose the payment method

Pay by card or SEPA transfer.

Remember that if you pay with “PSD2 Transfer”, you pay less commissions.

Check the data

Verify that the payment details match the person who has done the KYC (the identification). We do not accept payments on behalf of third parties.

Tell us your Wallet

Once we have verified that the payment is correct, you must tell us your crypto wallet. Remember that the wallet must be compatible with the acquired crypto asset.

Available cryptocurrencies