Cryptopocket Updates

Cryptopocket expands the option of PSD2 transfers also in Italy and Germany.

News in Cryptopocket for Germany and Italy: Implementation of the FIAT Ramp with PSD2

Cryptopocket users in Germany and Italy can now enjoy significant improvements to our service by using our FIAT Ramp for crypto asset transactions via PSD2 transfers. This implementation allows for faster and more secure transactions at a lower cost, compared to traditional payment methods.

What is a PSD2 transfer?

It is an instant and cheaper banking method, free of intermediaries. It offers high security and strong customer authentication (SCA), facilitating direct transactions and protecting sensitive information.

Expansion and Availability

Initially available in Spain, Italy and Germany, we are working to expand this service to other countries in the European Union. Our FIAT Ramp is now accessible to all EU customers and we plan to extend it beyond these borders.

Cryptopocket Apps

Any user, from individuals to companies in the EU, can benefit from our services to manage cryptocurrencies and tokens, including integrating our API into blockchain and Web3 projects, or using our widget to increase web revenue.

Investment Risks

It is crucial to be informed about the risks associated with investing in crypto assets, which are unregulated and potentially not suitable for all investors. More information here: Cryptopocket Warning.